Stone Federation are delighted to announce the results of the 2017 UK Masonry Skills Challenge.  The competition was fierce and the standards were extremely high so the winners should be justly proud of their achievement.  They were a credit to their colleges and to their employers.  

The Federation would like to thank all of the students who entered and to Building Crafts College and Edinburgh College for hosting the regional heats.  We would also like to thank each of the members who sponsored the Challenge, and to Marnhull Stone for supplying the stone.

Overall winners (top three)

            Name                                      College                                      Employer   

1st        Theo Brogan                           Building Crafts College           Uppingham Stone        

2nd       Joshua Underwood                 Bath College                           Architectural Stone      

3rd        Emma Sheridan                      Weymouth College                 Chichester Stoneworks


College Winners

1st        Bath College

2nd       Weymouth College

3rd        Edinburgh College


Southern Heat winners – 18 May 2017

            Name                                      College                                      Employer               

1st        Theo Brogan                           Building Crafts College           Uppingham Stone        

2nd       Joshua Underwood                 Bath College                           Architectural Stone

3rd        Emma Sheridan                      Weymouth College                 Chichester Stoneworks


Northern Heat winners – 23 May 2017

            Name                                      College                                        Employer                                                                   

1st          Hamish Innes                          Edinburgh College                  James Innes & Son

2nd       Karen Gemmell                      City of Glasgow College         National Trust for Scotland  

3rd        Calum Munro                          Edinburgh College                  Land Engineering