Last week, London’s Bloomsbury House played host to the launch of The Ethical Stone Register. The event saw major contractors, architects, designers, industry bodies and stone industry firms gather from across the UK to engage with this exciting new resource.

The evening started with a drinks reception which led onto the evening’s presentations. Stone Federation’s Chief Executive, Jane Buxey began by welcoming delegates to the event and explaining the reasons why the Federation had commissioned the creation of the Register and insight into how we see the resource progressing.

Jane was followed by David Richardson of Diagenesis Consulting, one of the scheme development team, who provided an insight into the scheme itself and the industry trends that makes this resource so vital.

The presentations finished with Katie Livesey of Anthesis Consulting, who provided the auditor’s perspective on the Register and explained its value for the contractors, architects and designers that will be using it. A lively question and answer time followed that demonstrated the keen interest that the contractors and architects present had in the scheme.

Tim Yates, Stone Federation President then presented three of the Pilot Scheme member companies, Amarestone, Burlington Stone and Hutton Stone, with a certificate in recognition of acheiving Tier Two Verification Level within the scheme. The Federation would like to congratulate the three member firms on their significant achievement.

The evening finished with further networking over canapés and drinks which proved to be a great opportunity for further discussion about the scheme and connections to be made between members and contractors.

The Ethical Stone Register website is now live, and can be viewed here. There is also a dedicated twitter account, which you can follow here.

If you are interested in your company becoming a member of the Register, please email