Last week saw the Federation welcome some of the industry’s leading contractors, clients and industry bodies to an Ethical Stone Register stakeholder engagement meeting.

Held at the Royal Exchange in the heart of London, the meeting was part of the development process for the Ethical Stone Register, an exciting new initiative within the Federation due for launch this year.

The meeting provided us with an opportunity to explain the concept and workings of the Register, the journey taken to get to this point and the value it will have for them as the user. It also gave the chance for the contractors and clients to ask questions, explore the details of the scheme and suggest ways it could be even more useful to them.

The response we received to the Register was incredibly encouraging and was felt by all in the room to be a very timely resource for where the construction industry is heading.

Represented at the meeting were: British Land, Costain, Crossrail, Kier, Multiplex, SBID, Sir Robert McAlpine, Skanska

We will keep members informed as the scheme develops and will be outlining the ways in which members can be a part of the Ethical Stone Register over the coming months.